Copient Health announces ARDEN™, a Generative AI solution to help perioperative leaders block smarter and boost revenue. Learn More →

Faster, Easier

OR Growth

OR time is valuable.

Copient Health helps you make the most of it.

81% growth in released hours per OR, 7% growth in case hrs per month, 23X ROI
Reclaim Operating Room time likely to go unused

Reclaim lost block time.

The "Reclaim" module uses machine learning to identify future block time likely to go unused, improves the collection of vacation time, and adds flexibility to your already existing mandatory release policies.

distribute reclaimed operating time to providers who can use it

Distribute collected time slots.

The "Distribute" module allows all physicians (even community physicians with no access to your hospital's IT systems) to see open time in your OR schedule and easily request time slots without disrupting your existing scheduling systems and workflows.

Measure and manage block utilization performance
Measure and Manage

Measure and manage your key metrics.

The "Measure and Manage" module gives you real-time and historical data analytics that your OR scheduling system doesn't provide, all without having to manually massage the data to create the actionable data you need.